
Batya Friedman
Professor, The Information School, University of Washington
batya [at] uw.edu
Curriculum Vitae
Batya Friedman is a Professor in the Information School, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Human-Centered Design and Engineering at theUniversity of Washington where she directs the Value Sensitive Design Research Lab. She received both her B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. She pioneered value sensitive design (VSD), an approach to account for human values in the design of information systems. Her work has focused on a wide range of values, some include privacy in public, trust, freedom from bias, moral agency, sustainability, safety, calmness, freedom of expression, and human dignity; along with a range of technologies such as web browsers, urban simulation, robotics, open source tools, mobile computing, implantable medical devices, social media, ubiquitous computing and computing infrastructure. Currently she is working on multi-lifespan information system design and on methods for envisioning � imagining new ideas for leveraging information systems to shape our futures. Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal is an early project in this multi-lifespan information system design program. In 2012 she received the ACM-SIGCHI Social Impact Award.

Alan Borning
Professor, Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
borning [at] cs.washington.edu
Alan Borning is a Professor in the Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington and an Adjunct Professor in the Information School. He received a B.A. from Reed College in mathematics (1971) and a Ph.D. from Stanford University in Computer Science (1979). After spending a year in Edinburgh, he moved to the University of Washington in 1980, and (except for various sabbaticals) he has been there since. His current research interests are in human-computer interaction, particularly as applied to tools for civic engagement and for improving public transit information systems, and in using and extending Value Sensitive Design in this work.

Brian Gill
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Seattle Pacific University
bgill [at] spu.edu
Brian Gill is a Professor of Mathematics at Seattle Pacific University. He joined the faculty at SPU in 1999 immediately after completing a Ph.D. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Biometry and Statistics at the State University of New York at Albany. His scholarly interests are quite varied, including issues in undergraduate mathematics and statistics education, pure mathematical research in geometric function theory, and applied statistical work in collaboration with researchers in other disciplines. He has served as the statistician for the VSD Research Lab since 2003.

Emily Bender
Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington
Emily M. Bender is a Professor of Linguistics and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science & Engineering and the University of Washington. She is the founding Faculty Director of the Professional Masters in Computational Linguistics (CLMS) program. Her research interests include computational semantics (representing human language meaning in machine-readable form), multilingual natural language processing, and technology for assisting in the documentation of endangered languages.

David Hendry
Associate Professor, The Information School, University of Washington
dhendry [at] uw.edu
David Hendry, Associate Professor in the Information School, received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Robert Gordon University in 1996. For his dissertation, he developed a user-interface architecture for implementing diverse families of information retrieval applications. He received his B.A. in 1986 and a M.Sc. in 1989 in Computing and Information Science from the University of Guelph. He joined the dot.com movement in 1997, spending two years at a start-up that commercialized collaborative filtering. Over the next three years, as Manager of User Interface Research at Terra Lycos, he studied consumer web applications and helped teams create better user experiences. His research and teaching interests are human-computer interaction, development and evaluation of systems for information access, end-user programming, and cross-functional design.

Tadayoshi Kohno |
Professor, Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington
yoshi [at] cs.washington.edu
Tadayoshi Kohno is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at San Diego. He is an expert in computer security and privacy, specifically in the areas of emerging and consumer technology, mobile and cloud systems, applied cryptography, and human-centered security solutions. Kohno is the recipient of an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, a U.S. National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and an MIT Technology Review TR-35 Young Innovator Award. In addition, Kohno co-authored the book Cryptography Engineering and co-designed the Control-Alt-Hack(TM) educational computer security card game.

Stephanie Ballard
Ph.D. Student, The Information School, University of Washington
ballard4 [at] uw.edu
Stephanie is a Ph.D. student at the UW Information School. Her research is at the intersection of value sensitive design and emerging technologies In particular, Stephanie is interested in artificial intelligence, ethics and society. |

Elias Greendorfer
Ph.D. Student, The Information School, University of Washington
ebgreen [at] uw.edu
Elias Greendorfer is a PhD student at the Information School. |

Mike Katell
Ph.D. Student, The Information School, University of Washington
mkatell [at] uw.edu
Michael Katell is a PhD student at the University of Washington Information School where he focuses on information ethics and policy. His main research focus is on the confluence of privacy affordance and social privilege in the information society, as well as the application of conceptions of justice and moral theory in the design of information systems. Michael is also a member of the UW Tech Policy Lab where his work examines failures in policymaking to regulate information technology. |

Ian King
Ph.D. Student, The Information School, University of Washington
isking [at] uw.edu
Ian King is a PhD student at the Information School, also having earned a Masters of Science in Computer Science at UW in 2006. Ian is interested in the emergence of the computer as an information device and the reflexive nature of its social and cultural development through conversational interfaces. This work has also found relevance in areas of digital preservation and curation of born-digital artifacts. In addition to his academic work, Ian is employed in the Flight Sciences group of Blue Origin LLC, an aerospace company committed to sustainable, affordable human space travel. |

Rose Paquet Kinsley
Ph.D. Student, The Information School, University of Washington
rosepk [at] uw.edu
Rose Paquet Kinsley is a PhD student at the University of Washington where she also received her M.A. in Museology. Rose's research interests are broadly focused on museums and social inclusion. Since 2012, she's been facilitating the documentation of inclusive museum initiatives and research through the Incluseum (incluseum.com), a project and blog she co-founded. |

Nick Logler
Ph.D. Candidate, The Information School, University of Washington
nlogler [at] uw.edu
Nick Logler is a PhD student at the Information School. Prior to University of Washington, he co-founded a non-profit where he taught kids and adults how to make things, using everything from hot glue to laser cutters. Nick is interested in how people are affected by, and the design of constructive experiences with creative technologies. |
postdoctoral researchers

Trond Nilsen |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Washington
xorgnz [at] uw.edu
Trond Nilsen is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Before coming to UW, he obtained an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and worked as a software engineer and project manager specializing in web application design. His research interests are broad, and include 3D information visualization, augmented reality, game design, and education with virtual worlds. He keeps and occasionally updates a blog called Meme Hazard. |
friends & collaborators
Robert Alsdorf, unaffiliated
Maxwell Andrews, Independent Videographer
Alan Beck, Purdue University
Theoneste Bizimana, Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities
Oliver Burmeister, Charles Sturt University
Markus Bylund, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Sybil Carrère, University of Washington
Sunny Consolvo, Intel Research Seattle
Nancy Edwards, Purdue University
Abigail Evans, University of Washington
Edward Felten, Princeton University
Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research
Kristina Höök, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University (Japan)
Gavin Jancke, Microsoft Research
Peter H. Kahn, Jr., University of Washington
Takayuki Kanda, Advanced Telecommunications Research (Japan)
William Maisel, Harvard Medical School
Gail Melson, Purdue University
Gene Myers, Western Washington University
Helen Nissenbaum, Princeton University
Carol Saunders, Brookfield Zoo
Ian Smith, Intel Research Seattle
Elizabeth Utter, unaffiliated
Robert F. Utter, unaffiliated
Paul Waddell, UC Berkeley
graduate alumni
Daisy Yoo
Lassana Magassa
Norah Abokhodair
Irene S. Alexander
Kathleen Crosman
Janet Davis, dissertation
Tamara Denning
Katie Derthick
Erika Feldman
Nathan G. Freier, dissertation
Shaghayegh Ghassemian
Nicole Gustine
Daniel C. Howe
David Hurley
Shaun Kane
Predrag (Pedja) Klasnja
Travis Kriplean
Milli Lake
Peyina Lin
Jessica Miller
Lisa Nathan, dissertation
Charles Naumer
Alice Neels
Bryce Newell
Alina Pommeranz
Braden Pellett
Jolina Ruckert
Rachel Severson
Kari Watkins, dissertation
Jill Woelfer
Valerie Wonder
undergraduate alumni
Jeffrey Anderson
Annie Jo Cain
Louise Wun Choi
Stephanie L. Collett
Dan Dethloff
Thuy Duong
Joseph Goldberg
Jennifer Hagman
Ann Hendrickson
Amy Iverson
Sze Ying Kong
Karen Magnuson
Jesse McPherron
Grace Preyapongpisan
Alex Quinn
Brandon Rich
Jonathan Sabo
Scott Santens
Ari Serim
Robin Sodeman
Cady Stanton
Anna Stolyar
Tyler Stevens
Molly Utter
staff alumni
Nell Carden Grey
John Lin
Mark Ring